Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Rediff has always impressed me with the type of articles they cover. They are usually a step ahead from the others. When dignified news corporations were covering Mumbai terror attacks and their effects on Indian people and politics, rediff was covering different strategies as a reply, for attacks, to Pakistan. When news were filled with Steve Job's temporary exit from Apple and its reasons, rediff was covering Tim Cook (Steve's back up guy), his resume and his capacity to lead Apple.

And of course they always have articles like these for personal development.

Do I sound like a marketing guy for Rediff, hmmmm...

Friday, January 09, 2009

Must read article!

The depths Indian democracy has fallen to

Classic example of incompetency achieved by politicians and blamed on Indian people for the outcome.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

What a better way to start the New Year than a healthy breakfast followed by a first blog entry for the year. Yeah, I know I am a geek and I am proud of it. This might be one of the few occasions where I am blogging with no particular thought in mind. So I will fall back on everybody’s favorite i.e. New Year resolution.

For me, resolution means to figure out what went wrong in last year and try to improve it in this one. When I think of it, I might have followed my own resolutions only about 50% of the time every year. But people do feel this urge of planning their lives and work and get the maximum benefit out of it. And I think this is a good idea. Don’t you feel good when you plan something out and accomplish it? But the only drawback with planning is that you lose out on enjoying the current moment as you are always heading towards your future goals. So the trick is to draw a fine line between your planned and unplanned lives and keep it as balanced as possible. You need to know where you are heading in life; however you also need to be open to the sudden surprises and excitement in life. Remember life is a journey and not a destination.

With this blog, wishing you a happy new year.